Augmented Reality - How Businesses Gain?

Augmented Reality Technology Makes Businesses Efficient
Image's Source:  Pixabay

Businesses are gaining substantial benefits from the dynamic technology of Augmented Reality (AR) enabled applications which greatly help in enhancing customers’ immersive experiences, reducing operating costs of doing business, reposing confidence among customers about products, services and related offerings, saving precious time of customers, guiding clients in arriving at right buying decision because products, cosmetics, appliances, furniture, cars and other locations can be visualized, enlarged, and superimposed in actual physical environment in real-time with three-dimensional space.

To gain from immersive shopping experience and save valuable time, customers effectively download AR enabled applications on their smartphones, tablets and other devices to initiate functionality of AR apps which are mostly run through operating systems of iOS and Android.

As a positive result, technology of AR significantly supports companies in achieving operational efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, enhancing corporate brand image, increasing level of sales, maximizing revenue streams, raising profits, dispelling uncertainties among customers, and, more importantly, achieving wider publicity of branding on local and international scale.

After the complete penetration, distribution, allocation, networking of 5G frequency spectrum and wider application of internet of things, the convergence of AR with these technologies will completely revolutionize the business and social horizons on global level, so, you can say that augmented reality and virtual reality both contribute a lot in today's fast changing world with dynamic platforms providing enhanced levels of efficiency and productivity. 

According to the study of Statista, there will be around 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality users worldwide by 2024.

Augmented Reality Mobile Users - Source: Statista

Enhanced Business Efficiency

Companies successfully tend to market and promote their products, services and special offerings through AR enabled applications which have the capabilities of converging real physical world into enhanced three-dimensional digital overlays in which customers can completely immerse themselves through their smartphones, computers, tablets, personal computers, special glasses and can easily make comparisons, measurements and 360-degree rotational superimposition before making buying decision.

Online businesses and e-Commerce channels take advantage of AR applications which provide customers experiential and immersive opportunities to comfortably explore about their choice of products online, so, saving lots of travel time, spending on petrol consumption and fares of taxicab.

Cost Effectiveness

Companies considerably reduce operational costs using AR powered technology in their set ups which helps them in curtailing unnecessary travel costs, avoiding rental burden from taking additional spaces which are specifically reserved in display of physical products, remotely visualizing inspection and determining quality of spare parts, equipment, and machineries, so, cutting substantial travel costs.

Through using augmented reality technology, businesses reduce transportation costs and remotely ensure site inspection, visit of properties, supervision of manufacturing facilities, detection of abnormal situations in factories and offices, visualizing items lying in warehouses, so, all these things become possible from AR technology which helps in visualizing, enlarging, overlaying any real things into enhanced immersive 3D reality in real-time.

Dynamic Marketing and Sales

Business enterprises take advantage in marketing their products, services and special offerings from remote locations and enable prospective customers who can visualize, inspect, measure, match and superimpose products, appliances, furniture, footwear, chandeliers, cosmetics, and dresses in their physical surrounding, so, all of these facilities are made possible through dynamic AR powered mobile applications and other devices.

Those Companies which effectively use AR run applications are ahead of their competitors and generate more sales, increase customer loyalty, ensure retention of existing clients, maximize revenues, enhance corporate brand image, raise level of profits, and reduce substantial operating costs, so, these factors combining make companies trustworthy in the eyes of shareholders, customers, investors, stakeholders, and business partners.

Improved Digital Visualization

Business enterprises are taking greater benefits from the vibrant sensor-based technology that’s called Internet of Things (IoT) which is widely used in making informed decisions through remote location(s).

Combination of IoT with augmented reality helps businesses in arranging training sessions for technical staff, conducting educational sessions for new and existing staff members, inspection of machineries and equipment, helping in locating items in factories and warehouses, enhancing immersive customer experience and much more.

To achieve ideal practical working conditions, the use of augmented reality technology is of paramount importance which enhances and converts the physical real world environment into enhanced visualization under which it becomes easier for customers, vendors, suppliers, and online shoppers to compare, measure, 3D-rotate, match, and superimpose chosen products for making informed decision.

Investment Grade Technology

You know that any technology which brings greater efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and reduces cost of doing business is a long-term investment because it generates final products and services on cheaper cost and helps companies in saving considerable monetary funds, which are available to make investment in productive areas of business.

Augmented reality technology truly meets above cited criteria of becoming an investment grade for any business concern because it promotes greater efficiency in the marketing and sales strategies and significantly reduces operational costs which helps companies become financially stable and lucrative from the standpoint of customers, investors, stakeholders, shareholders, and business partners, so, as a positive outcome, corporate image of business develops further in the local and global markets.

Experiential Solutions

You see that application of augmented reality is gradually appearing in lots of sectors, businesses, institutions, and organizations which include manufacturing, social media, gaming, healthcare, automobile companies, retailers, education sector, training sessions, real estate, logistics, and tactical organizations.

Through effective implementation of AR technology, doctors are successfully performing surgical operations, making diagnosis, prescribing medicines from remote location(s) in real-time.

AR technology helps companies and organizations in saving precious time, money, traveling and boarding costs, and enhancing efficiency and productivity.

AR Empowered Mirrors

To provide customers true immersive experience at the point of sale, prominent retailors tend to install augmented reality empowered mirrors which give prospective customers the unique facility to compare, measure, select, rotate, visualize, and see themselves from all angles into the mirror through changing visual experiences with different types of design of dresses and accessories.

Once this is implemented and widely adopted, AR enabled mirror facility is set to provide with enhanced customer experience which helps them in choosing right product in less amount of time with the help of 3D visualization rotational overlay.

AR Supported Shopping Apps

To provide customers dynamic immersive experience, companies have successfully launched their AR powered shopping applications which are run on iOS and Android supported devices and smartphones.

Through AR enabled features, customers can visualize, and measure selected items in 3D space and can superimpose them with their home spaces, feet, and faces in making correct buying decisions.

Prominent retailers which have successfully launched their AR powered applications are given below for your benefit:
  • Home Depot
  • Wayfair
  • Target
  • Sephora
  • Amazon
  • Nike
  • Warby Parker
  • Anthropologie
  • Magnolia Market
  • IKEA
Hope you have enjoyed this article! 😊


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