Smartphones - Business and Social Impacts

Smartphone and World Map
Image's Source:  Pixabay

There is no doubt that technology of smartphone is one of greatest inventions in the history of mankind which has paved the way for progress in all walks of life; enhanced effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, instant and speedy communication, and provided lots of conveniences for all business, economic, and social agents on international scale.

Today’s modern world is well connected through webs of internet, so, under these unique mechanisms, most of the smart devices, computers, e-commerce, websites, smartphones, applications, wearables, machines, equipment, appliances, installations, and lots of objects are integrated or linked through Internet of Things and Cloud Computing which combining provide seamless services to all big conglomerates, multinational companies, large institutions, governments, and billions of common people.

Businesses, institutions, universities, government institutions, and other organizations combining emphasize their staff members on using mobile phones because these smart devices effectively save precious time of businessmen, staff members, and cut travel costs. 

Corporate members, customers, vendors, and workers tend to arrange instant meetings and communications through video calling, video conferencing, sending emails, short messages, or simply talking over phones, so, impacts on businesses and social lifestyles of people are positively affected by high-tech mobile phones worldwide.


According to the study of Statista, the number of smartphone mobile network subscriptions worldwide reached almost 6.6 billion in year 2022 and is forecast to exceed 7.8 billion by year 2028. 

As per record, China, India, and the United States are the countries with the highest number of smartphone mobile network subscriptions.

Cost Effectiveness

To enhance everyday performance in social activities and stay connected with the Management and other team members while completely ignoring geographical locations and long distances on local and international levels, different high-tech brands of smartphones have reduced cost of doing business as a result of lowest possible expenditures on regular land, sea, and air travelling which combining tend to incur costs in food consumption, hotel stays, taxi fares, and substantial fuel consumption. 

Long and short distant meetings are efficiently ensured through different applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, and other applications which have been specifically developed to support operating systems of different brands of phones and operating systems, so, people attend official meetings with comfort and confidence through video conferencing from their own geographic locations, thus, they reduce substantial operational costs of doing business. 

To stay connected with zero latency rate through internet of things technology and cloud computing services, it is essential to synchronize and connect mobile phones with other devices, equipment, machines, appliances, strategic points in the factories, offices, warehouses, perimeters of buildings, and others, thus, anyone can receive data from dashboard that appears on his or her high quality mobile phones.

Social and Economic Impacts

GPS-enabled smartphones have completely outperformed landline phone facilities because of enormous curtailment in costs, achieving high degree of efficiency, managing 24/7 seamless global connectivity that is facilitated from all geographic locations by operators.

Applications of high-tech smartphones provide lots of conveniences such as finding GPS powered vehicle ride sharing services, Uber riding, nearby restaurants, medical centers, hotels, commercial markets, finding shops, making travel arrangements, buying online movie tickets, match making services, inserting meetings schedule with reminder settings, and other Google apps, so, all these provisions are effectively facilitated through high-tech mobile phones at anytime and anywhere. 

You are correct to say it that smartphone never sleeps and continues to provide series of conveniences and comforts at user's palm and fingertips.

The technology of mobile phones has created number of jobs and provided positive impetus to the economies all over the world such as promoting sharing economy, arrangement of riding services, facilitation in delivery of consumer products at doorsteps through Uber, BYKEA, Careem, and Food Panda in different Middle Eastern, Asian, and Western countries, ordering products through online e-Commerce, making instant financial transactions through banking apps, so, high-tech smartphones have totally revolutionized the world economy with deep social and economic linkages.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Businesses and institutions are in good position to market and sell their products and services through the downloaded applications of smartphones, so, customers can engage themselves to perfectly assess and choose products from all angles before buying by simply using immersive and experiential technology of AR. The immersive technologies provide customers a unique 360-degree digitized experience that is based on selling motto of 'Try Before Buy'. 

Therefore, this type of selective procedure to evaluate products or services before buying is always possible through customers' high-tech mobile phones from any remote location(s).

Virtual Reality (VR)

Though, the technology of VR is more than sixty years old but same is nowadays gradually penetrating into global societies with modern and enhanced functionalities that are synchronized on high-tech devices which combining facilitate users in experiencing immersive virtual realities through their Headsets and VR supported smartphones, thus, people enjoy playing games, watching videos, visiting favorable virtual places, watching movies, and doing other uses.

Users of VR technology can enjoy visiting long distant locations, beaches, cities, markets, and gardens through their sensor-based VR technology through which they can have experiential feelings like touching, listening, smelling, and even tasting, so, all possibilities depend on the quality and technology level of gadgets. 

Business Campaigns

Customers search products, services, and special offerings through smartphones before arriving at buying decisions, so, companies extensively promote and market their products and services through digital advertisements, SMS alerts, virtual popups, and video streaming which are effectively communicated on the mobile devices of customers.

Efficiency Enhancer

Executives, Managers, office workers, and other people can communicate with each other through email facility that is available at their smartphones which is run through powerful wireless connections on 24/7 basis, so, people can perform their official assignments from any locations, i.e., add, subtract, multiply, divide, graph, modify, and communicate excel-based data to the concerned group or individuals.

You can download PDF versions, Word files, and PowerPoint made slides and make changes and send these back to your relevant colleague(s) from any location, so, you can travel anywhere with your office that is powered through your high-tech smartphone that is independent of all times, spaces, locations, and seasons.

You can make, send, or receive high-definition images, videos, and audios on the spot and send same to the relevant office department(s) for further scrutiny and information, especially, if you’re engaged with outdoor assignments such as surveyor, news reporter, construction site supervision, rental properties, plant installations, visiting manufacturing facilities, sales and marketing-oriented campaigns, and much more.

Memory and Speed

To store videos, images, PDF files, general files, documents, download number of unique mobile apps, or even download and save films, you know that today’s smartphones are manufactured with enhanced internal memory with additional facility of memory slots which usually come with large capacity of internal memory or ROM of 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, in case, high-end devices then they are introduced with internal memory of 256GB, 512GB, and more.

To make speed faster and run software smoothly of any mobile phone, so, it depends on the capacity of Random Access Memory (RAM) that is essential. Smartphones usually come in different ranges of RAM that are 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, 6GB, and 8GB. Higher the RAM better the running efficiency of mobile phone.

Famous Smartphone Brands

There are number of famous brands of smartphones which are competing from each other to grab the maximum market share out of the huge world populations in terms of sales, revenues, market shares, number of devices produced per year, and maximum customer outreach worldwide, some of the prominent smartphone brands are given below for your quick reference purpose.
  • Samsung - Headquarter: South Korea
  • Apple - Headquarter: USA
  • Huawei - Headquarter: China
  • Xiaomi - Headquarter: China
  • Oppo - Headquarter: China
  • Vivo - Headquarter: China
  • Motorola - Headquarter: USA
  • Lenovo - Headquarter: China
  • LG - Headquarter: South Korea
  • Asus - Headquarter: Taiwan
The above cited reputable brands of smartphones are responsive with web applications; contain high technology, huge internal memory, HD cameras, and these are synchronized with high bandwidth Wi-Fi capacity.

Smartphone shows eye-catching layouts, elegant designs, attractive colors, optimum dimensions, seamless navigation, and runs offline and online apps and other applications that are effectively supported by strong cloud backend on 24/7 basis.

However, mobile phones are mostly powered by world renowned operating systems either iOS Apple or Google Android.

Hope you have enjoyed this article! 😊


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